Improving Product Quality Through The Cloud by Declan Peltier, Cloud Tweaks
Maintaining product quality is an amiable goal to have. It is, however, easier said than done. It’s likely that if you do have to maintain documentable quality standards, you are working in a government regulated industry rife with rules, procedures, and regular audits. Because of this, you’ll find that in order to main quality standards, your desk will have a mountain of forms that needs to be checked and authorized, data sheets, policies, SOPs, etc. etc. that will need to be dealt with…
Working socially, by Harold Jarche, Life in Perpetual Beta
Why should I, as an OD/HR/L&D professional, concerned with the human aspects of organizations, have to understand social media and enterprise social networks? Saying we don’t need to understand social media is like saying we didn’t need to understand speaking, reading or writing to do our jobs before…
The Importance Of Having A Solid Career Plan, at Careerealism
Almost everyone has some sort of significant goal or aspiration they hope to achieve in the future. For a significant number people, this includes some type of long-term career plan or dream job that they would like to obtain. While these major objectives may seem difficult or even impossible to achieve, they can appear much more manageable through the use of a career plan…
The Critical Role of HR in Effectively Supporting a Business! by Ian Welsh,
How can HR make the greatest contribution to a business? In my experience, the most valued contribution is when HR applies its unique ability to resolve problems and find sound and lasting solutions to challenges affecting the business as it inevitably changes and evolves. HR must be able to recognize needs and opportunities as they occur, whether immediate or strategic long-term, and convert them into action to give the organization a competitive edge and contribute to its ongoing success…
Bracing for Big Data Analytics, by Mark McGraw, HREOnline
Conquering Big Data: A Study of Analytical Skills in the Workplace, a global survey from the American Management Association, asked nearly 800 respondents from more than 50 industries if their organization has the capabilities to meet its anticipated analytics needs. In the poll, only 26 percent of respondents indicated their companies have the ability to meet those future requirements…
Don’t Make These Performance Management Mistakes! by Melissa Fairman, Performance I Create
The performance management process is one of the more frequently maligned processes that fall under the HR umbrella (although leave of absence probably gets the “most hated” title). I don’t need to enumerate the many reasons why, you can find any number of blog posts and articles beating up the performance management process on your own…
How to Make Sure You Have Engaged and Empowered Employees by Laura Stack, TLNT
When you have a lot at stake or a very high interest in an outcome, you’re more likely to do a better job (or at least try to). Your team members feel the same way. If they don’t enjoy their work, they won’t be motivated to spend discretionary effort on the strategic goals you set for them. Wouldn’t you rather be surrounded by people in whom you have full trust and confidence they will get things done?