Demystifying multitenancy: introduction

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Demystifying multitenancy I: The technology behind a multitenant system >>

Demystifying multitenancy II: Configuration and Maintenance >>

Demystifying multitenancy III: How does this technology contribute to the HR management of your business >>

Demystifying multitenancy: 4 keys to saving time and money >>


Multitenancy is one of those words that everyone has heard but you will not find two people expressing the same meaning. In fact one doesn’t need to fully comprehend what multitenancy stands for -unless you are a software engineer- but a high level understanding might be very useful, specially talking about SaaS, and in particular when it is related with HR technology.

Nowadays, everyone who is in the process of building an HR SaaS environment should think hardly how multitenancy will be implemented. I’ll describe later in this article and the next ones to follow how this idea traverse not only the technology you’ll use but also the way you think about how to optimize your resources and how to save time and money.

For me a clear and simple definition of a multitenant system that holds all the implications of the technology behind it would be following one: “A system which is shared among many customers, but that behaves in a flexible way andtkcert operates as it is not shared to anyone else”. This is very easy said but really difficult to build. In the subsequent articles I’ll describe the uses and implications following different scenarios:

I. The technology behind a multitenant system

The first article will describe some aspects of the technology involved in building a multitenant platform. I’ll try to show how simple tasks could be very complex to manage if you don’t have the correct technology supporting your process.

II. Configuration and maintenance

In this article I will explain how to build up a multitenant enviroment by isolating collisions between different client instances and how do you benefit of managing evolution trough object inheritance

III. Multitenancy and the HR Systems

Ok, fine. We know what it is, but what are the implications for an HR System? In this article I will analyse some aspects of a multitenant system from an HR professional perspective. What are the benefits of using a fully multitenant system?

IV. Multitenancy technology: how to save time and money?

I think that this subject is one of the main drivers of the entire idea behind multitenant technologies. Why start using multitenant systems if it will not be cheaper than my current one?

V. The future of multitenancy in a global environment

Generally speaking when you think about a distributed system which additionally is configured to your needs, you are normally imagining an application that behaves as a multitenant system. The major software solutions out there are moving in this direction. In this last article, let’s try to find out if we’re really on the right track.

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