Our Best Hr & Tech Posts Selection – July 2013

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The datification of Human Resources, by Josh Bersin, Forbes

A new buzzword has hit the business world:  Datafication – turning an existing business into a “data business.” Think about it this way:  LinkedIn has “datafied” our professional connections. Facebook has “datafied” our friend network.  Google has “datafied” our search and information retrieval. Twitter is “datafying” news and real time information. Waze is “datafying” our driving. The NSA is “datafying” our entire lifestyle :-). This will continue…

How Fun is Your HR Tech?, by Steve Boese, HRE Online

In an environment where the expectations for all kinds of technologies are changing, HR technologies included, the single-most important need your HR systems should be meeting is to engage employees and let them have fun…

The Two Questions to Ask Before You Innovate, by Scott Anthony , Harvard Business Review

The project team had certainly prepared for the workshop. Its members had a carefully constructed PowerPoint document, replete with facts and figures that showed the attractiveness of what we’ll call the booming management-training market in China (details have been disguised to protect the client’s confidentiality). Embedded video clips showed potential customers raving about the offering the team had recently piloted. A meticulously constructed business plan showed how the venture could thoughtfully expand into six major cities in China…

7 Qualities of a Truly Loyal Employee, by Dharmesh Sha, LinkedIn

First things first: Where employees are concerned, loyalty has nothing to do with blind obedience, or unthinking devotion, or length of tenure. Surprised? Think of it this way. Which employee displays greater loyalty?

1. The employee who has been with you for ten years and in that time has learned to do just enough to fly, unseen, under the performance issues radar, or

2. The employee who has been with you for 18 months and believes in where you’re going, how you want to get there – and proves it every day by her actions

Of course experience is important, but given the choice I’ll take the employee behind door #2 every time…

Networked Professional Development, by Harold Jarche in his blog

It can sometimes be difficult to see oneself as a node in multiple networks, as opposed to a more conventional position within an organizational hierarchy. We have become used to titles, job descriptions, and other institutional trappings. But network thinking can fundamentally change our view of hierarchical relationships…

Is Your Company Looking at the Wrong Info to Screen Candidates Using Social Media?, by Jon Hyman, Workforce

According to recent survey by CareerBuilder.com, 39 percent of companies use social media sites to research job candidates, up only two percent from last year. Yet, there was a nine percent jump (from 34 to 43 percent) in the number of hiring managers who report using information found on a social media site to disqualify a candidate from consideration.

Selection by Carolina Reynoso 

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