Different emerging and developing trends of the last few years are now shaping the HR landscape. Barriers between the virtual and the real worlds are blurring, today workforces are geographically dispersed around the world and yet also hyper-connected and hyper-informed. With this in mind, I’d like to point out five HR trends that will become stronger than ever this year:
1. Hyper-connected space, global talent and integrated solutions: Technology has become such an integral part of our lives. The internet doesn’t just connect people to people, but also people to things: from wearable technology to devices measuring our diet, physical exercise or level of learning in different subjects. These changes are also reflected in the workforce, which is now a large mobile social network. This complexity calls for integrated and global HR solutions, capable of meeting the current requirements for end-to-end talent management: covering everything from recruitment via social networks through to change management and corporate culture. Such solutions also need to adapt to the local and global needs of each company.
2. Cloud, Cloud, Cloud: The cloud is becoming the standard platform for applications, information and services. This means that smart devices accessible from anywhere in the world can provide service to mobile employees with increasingly flexible modes of working. At the last meeting of the European Council, cloud was referred to as a “strategic technology that increases productivity and improves services”, and the European Union’s Digital Agenda for 2020 includes a plan for adopting cloud across all economic sectors (European Cloud Computing Strategy).
3. The importance of corporate HR management: Today’s global environment needs leaders capable of managing complexity worldwide. One of the great challenges of these professionals will be global talent recruitment in an environment with a huge disparity between the skills required and those offered, in addition to tough competition between companies in attracting and retaining the best talent. Developing the employer brand is more indispensable than ever, and we are seeing how hybrid HR and Marketing careers are emerging (professionals who are specialists in internal employee communities, employer branding professionals, and more).
4. User Experience: Over are the days of separate virtual and real interaction. Users of technological devices of all types must be able to access information on screen so fast, as if there were no material barrier between the two. The digital technology adapts and blends into our environment. HR professionals need comprehensive HR solutions that make their daily tasks as simple as possible, letting them to act with the greatest effectiveness and flexibility.
5. Predictive Analytics: In this volatile and unpredictable world of today, it is more necessary than ever to move forward. HR leaders must be able to predict future business needs, especially fluctuations in the talent market, where skills and professions are varying constantly. That’s why it is no longer enough to add up the results gained from our actions, instead there is a great need for predictive analytical intelligence to avoid lagging behind in innovation or in the continuous development of the workforce.