10 Problems Solved With a Global HR Solution

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In many local markets, the downturn has forced numerous companies, with little activity outside the regional market until now, to look for alternative business opportunities outside their countries of origin.

Expansion processes into new markets normally involve opening offices in other countries and setting up a local HR department to coordinate between the corporate HR office and the employees of the new site.

If the venture is successful, the small branch will grow rapidly together with the HR department, who will begin to be overwhelmed by their own daily business management needs as well as the requirements for information requests coming from headquarters.

Little by little this instant communication winds down to weekly, monthly, quarterly, and even annually. At some point, the corporate HR department eventually loses sight of the real situation in their different branches scattered around the world. In the best of cases, they will get a monthly report on what their global workforces may, or may not, look like.

Nor is it easy for corporate HR to manage under these circumstances. What started out as a great adventure—where it was essential to analyze the cultural impact, expatriate or mobility needs, direct communication with the local HR department, among other issues—soon turned into a nightmare. It became hellish to tally up information from different branches coming in different formats and probably with unsynchronized regularity.

If this scenario is familiar to your HR department, then it’s a good time to consider bringing in a technology solution that lets you manage your workforce globally. Even better still, a solution that can smoothly pull all your offices together…

You can find in this free paper the solution to some of the common problems multinational companies find in their HR departments when they haven’t been able to fix global employee management.

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