1. HR and acquisitions: what role should HR be playing?
Mergers and acquisitions involve a great deal of number-crunching and risk assessment. However, the importance of communication and company culture should not be underestimated. James Grinnell, group people director at Currie & Brown, discusses the responsibilities and challenges faced by HR staff during an acquisition…
By James Grinnel in HR Zone
2. 9 Digital HR Terms Every HR Professional Must Know
Digital HR has garnered a lot of interest from HR professionals and business leaders for the way it is changing how we manage people. This change enables a better HR service delivery but also impacts how we do HR on a day-to-day level. To many of us, digital HR seems fascinating but do we really know what it is? Its lexicon is riddled with unfamiliar sounding terms that we need to understand in order to really comprehend the phenomenon. Here are the top 9 terms that HR professionals would typically use when talking about digital HR and its applications…
By Erik van Vulpen in Digital HR
3. Learning: The power of positivity
The power of a positive attitude: It’s been heralded as a key to success in many areas of life, from learning to athletics to just about any profession you can imagine. But is there any evidence that positivity affects results or is it mostly mumbo jumbo? In reality, it’s difficult to separate a person’s attitude from other factors that can affect performance. For example, a major league baseball player may have an incredibly positive attitude about hitting a baseball, but that could be simply because he’s really great at it…
By Stephen Meyer in Rapid Learning Institute
4. When You Start a New Job, Pay Attention to These 5 Aspects of Company Culture
When you join an organization, you have a short window of time to adapt to its culture. It’s the old 90-day rule. And we know too many talented individuals who have stumbled in their new company because they failed to read the cultural tea leaves. This happens because most organizations don’t explain the cultural rules to newcomers, and new hires are so focused on the job and the new boss that they overlook the rules’ profound influence. Yet understanding them plays a big role in your initial success. Being cognizant of not just what your colleagues do but how they work matters if you want to be effective and be perceived well…
By Allan H. Church and Jay A. Conger in Harvard Business Review
5. Beware the Myth of the Super Leader
“We will all learn together. I want to learn from you as well as you learn from me.” This, from a new CHRO who sits on the executive committee for a global organization. She is at the table with a ringside seat. Her humility is front and center, demonstrating that very important quality of a modest view of one’s importance…
By Ron Thomas in TNLT.com